Homebound Delivery
If you are unable to visit us due to an illness or disability, or you are caring for someone who is, we offer personalized delivery of library materials.
Contactless delivery or pick-up is available to those who live in our district. Homebound delivery is available on a temporary or permanent basis. Deliveries are made twice a month on Saturdays by volunteers from Community Assisted Rides.
Adults, children, teens, and families can make requests for specific items or ask us to help select materials, including books, movies, music, large type, audiobooks, youth kits, games, and children’s puzzles.
For questions, more information, or to sign up, call Tori C. at 630/887-8760 ext. 236, or email
Volunteers needed
To volunteer to deliver materials, contact Community Assisted Rides at 708/354-9328 or visit their website.